
cottonreelholder1The Tandridge Handicraft Society was founded in 2003. Its aim is to encourage crafts in the area. The membership consists of both experts and amateurs and provides inspiration and guidance for all to create both beautiful and practical things. Some of the crafts which members are working on include patchwork, knitting, quilting, beading, tapestry (or canvas work), textile art, embroidery, appliqué, lace making and crochet.

The membership comprises all ages and the society is keen to keep the crafts alive in the Tandridge District by passing them down to younger members. It's a very lively and friendly group.

Weekly meetings are held during the school year. They last three hours. There is always someone there to help anybody who becomes stuck on a problem or who wishes to learn a new skill.

Talks & Demonstrations. Monthly talks and demonstrations are given by experts in their fields. These are well attended by members and visitors.
Fee for visitors is £5 at the door which includes tea and biscuits.

Workshops. During the year, Saturday Workshops are held when members can learn new skills.

Society Outings. Each year an outing is organised to a place of interest and inspiration for the members.

Projects. Often the Society organises a specific project for members who are interested to work on  over days, weeks or months.

Where and When. The members meet every Monday from the beginning of September and the end of June between 1.30pm and 4.30pm at The Woodhouse Centre, opposite Tandridge Leisure Centre, Oxted.

Membership fee. Yearly membership fee is £48, which includes all talks and demonstrations. Visitors are invited at £5 per Monday session/talk. Please contact the Chairman for more details.

Chairman: 01883 620730

Programme 2022-2023

Monday 17 October 2pm."So Much More Than Hexagons” talk by Nancy Adamek
Monday 14 November “Photographic Inspiration” talk by Diana McKinnon

Monday 18 January 2016 2pm
"Japanese Paper and Textiles" talk by Cas Holmes
Friday 12 February 10-4 workshop "Cold Porcelain Flowers" led by Ashley Fosdyke (book in advance)
17-19 March 10-4 Exhibition of work at Oxted United Reformed Church, Bluehouse Lane RH8 0AA
Monday 17 March 2pm "Morris & Co Textiles at Standen" talk by Sally Robertson
Monday 26 April 2pm "From Fleece to Yarn and Beyond" talk by Connie Milan
Monday 23 May 2pm "Glimpses of Britain" talk by Gail Lowther