Oxted and District History Society

 The Oxted and District History Society
now has its own web-site here www.oxtedanddistricthistorysociety.org so all this is redundant.

The East Surrey Museum in Caterham has a collection of archival material and historical records for the Tandridge District. See History & genealogy for more information sources.


The Matrix Coin Project
According to our lecturers on this topic (March 6th 2007), no coins were issued during the Commonwealth following the execution of Charles I. When coinage ran short, traders issued their own tokens. Our lecturers are interested in all tokens even modern ones such as 'British Restaurant Tokens' and 'Coop Tokens'. They would be very pleased if members would tell them of any tokens they have.

Click on the links below to read previous lectures.

Tuesday 7th February 2007 19th Century Kent by Bob Ogley. more
Tuesday 23rd January 2007. ’The Crimea’ by John Tolley. more
Tuesday 20th February 2007. ’John Evelyn’ by Beryl Saich. more
Tuesday 6th March 2007. The Matrix Coin Project by Brian Wood and John Theobald. more
Tuesday 6th October 2007. Edward the Caresser by Elizabeth Lanyon. more
Tuesday 16th October 2007. Starborough Castle by Roy Eaton. more
Tuesday 30th October 2007. From Bletchley Park to the World Wide Web. Brian Shearing. more
Tuesday 13th November 2007. New Anglo-Saxon Discoveries at St. Martin-in-the-Fields. Alison Telfer. more
Tuesday 27th November 2007. Sir William More of Loseley: A Tudor Gentleman of Surrey. Mike Page. more
Tuesday 8th January 2008. Let Nature be your teacher. Betty Shearing more
Tuesday 22nd January 2008. The Cold War revisited. Part 1: a war of religion. Keith Addis more
Tuesday 5th February 2008. Richard Owen: the Man Who Invented Dinosaurs. Chris Duffin more
Tuesday 19th February 2008. Jeremy Harte. The Derby. more
Tuesday 4th March 2008. David Carpenter Virago Potentissima: Eleanor of Provence. more
March 18th Annual General Meeting and Party. Read the conclusions more.

Synopses of Lectures from October 2008 onwards can be found here.